Shield Your Vital Information
Domain owners must have noticed that as soon as the register a domain, their mailboxes start receiving unsolicited offers for web related services. No domain owner loves to get his mailbox inflated with spam messages offering unsolicited web services, but still, he gets tons of such messages. Still less desirable are the text messages or occasional phone calls (A big NO NO!) from some XYZ web services offering you the packages you would never use in your life- and still he gets many such messages and irritating calls! One thing that eludes the intelligence is that how these spammers get an access to your contact details that were exclusively used for domain registration purpose and are not circulated anywhere else on the internet! Actually, you provided them the access to all your details. How? Whenever you register a domain name in your name, all the vital details like name, address and contact details are recorded by WhoIs that allows anyone to access these details by conducting a search. Now the question arises: “What about the concerns of those who want to guard their private information against public view?” The answer is WhoIs guard.
What is WhoIs Guard?
The public display of a domain registrar’s vital contact info can be (and is) used in a number of undesired ways and the issue had been fiercely debated at the ICANN committee for many years. The result is Whois Guard. It is an excellent asset for the domain users who would not like their contact information to be displayed publicly. Instead of displaying your personal contact number or email WhosIsGuard displays its own email address. Upon receiving the mail they would first check for the pan and then forward the same to you! It is only during legal matters like a court order or trademark disputes that your real information is released.
How does WhoIs Database get your Vital Information?
When a person registers a domain with an ICANN accredited registrar the registrar will check domain availability and at the same time, it is required to create WHOIS record that contains vital registration information. In fact, the Whois database contain all your vital information like name, contact details etc. Abide by the accreditation agreement; the domain registrar is bound to display the domain name holder’s details on Whois’s public database. WHoisGuard service shields your personal data from publicly appearing on WhoisDatabase. The Whois data guard replaces your vital contact information with its own data so that your vital information could be guarded.
Here are a few Benefits Offered by WhoIs Guard Service:
No Public Display of Contact Information
Most of the times the spammers and other sources with dubious intentions would love to find your information through WhoIs service. However, if you opt for the Whois Guard service, the WHoSI search of your domain name will return the name of WhoIs guard instead of your own name. Thus your privacy remains intact
Better Control Over Public Information
It would be preposterous to say that whoIs service is only used by nefarious elements. It is also used by many genuine netizens who wish to know more details of a particular website before any key transactions. To prove the authenticity of your site you may need to public display some of your site’s information on WhoIs. Depending upon your specific industry and requirements you may want to make some of your contact info public. WhoIs Guard allows you to keep the required information public while guarding the specific information that you wish to shield. Hence, on the one hand, by displaying some information on public WhoIs you may get.
Receiving only Important Emails
Upon selecting private domain registration your registrar offers you an email address that keeps on changing after a specific period in order to foil the nefarious efforts of spammers. Any emails that are sent to these email addresses are filtered and then redirected to the private email account as per your instructions. So you can ensure that you will get only the important emails while preventing the spam emails from jamming your inbox.
Affordable Pricing
For all its excellent benefits WhoIs guard charges very modest amounts that of compared to your overall website budget can even be called negligible. The charges hover between $5 and $9 that is pretty affordable. Hence for anyone with concerns about miscue of their vital data, Whois guard is an excellent solution.